Monday, August 25, 2008


I just want to say how much I love my husband and kids. I was going through some pictures and couldn't help but think of them.

This was on the autobond at Disneyland. David really doesn't enjoy the place, but I love it and he went with me anyway. We did have a blast!

Here are the Keisel's. We went to St. George for Easter this year. Leslie bought the girl's dresses to match and a tie for Jared that 'went' with the girl's outfits. Leslie is such a great mom and wife. She works her tail off keeping up her house and her Young Women calling and chasing 3 little girls around and still stays sane. Leslie has been working hard to train for a triathalon that was this past weekend. She did great. Jared is a good provider for his family. He is the executive secretary in their ward in Payson. He is working hard at getting their basement finished. He loves to hunt and fish.
Here the Hadlock's are decked out in Hawaiian attire for Leslie's birthday party. They looked so dog gone cute. Looks as though Paul and Kaja and Jaxon should have taken from Andrea's example and worn sunglasses. Andrea is such a conscienteous mother. She has had to take care of sick kids this year. And on top of that she does a bang up job in the Primary Presidency and keeps a spotless house. Paul is working hard and now is going to include in his busy schedule an MBA course at the U of U. He is a real fan of REAL SALT LAKE and has season tickets.
Kevin and Nicole are always the Happy couple. Kevin enjoys biking, golfing and wakeboarding. He starts his 3rd and final year of Law School at the U of U and works at his dad's Law Office. Kevin is in the YM's presidency and Nicole is the nursery leader. Nicole is teaching math and dance at a Middle School and keeps up their cute apartment, and loves scrapbooking.

Here's our other Happy couple, Christine and Tyler. Tyler is working very hard at an internship and takes care of our small house they are living in and starts school next week, his final year! in undergraduate school. He will be going on to Law School next fall. Tyler was just called as Elder's Quorum President and Christine is in the Ward's Primary. Christine took over my work schedule at David's office this summer, but now needs to return to the dental hygienest (SP????) program at UVU. She works very hard at helping Tyler keep the yard looking good at the house. They have become very responsible at going to the rec center regularly and seem to enjoy it!

I love you all!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Slumber Party

David and I had the big girls over for a sleep over. We were tending Kylee and Jaycelyn while Leslie and Jared did their responsibility to the YW of their ward, so David called Andrea and asked if Kaja could join us. What a treat! I've got the pictures backwards - so excuse me!

Kaja and Kylee liked sitting in GP's "little" boat. Kylee didn't like it at first. When she saw that Kaja enjoyed it, then she got in.

I don't really know what Jayce is thinking right here. She has a whole slew of faces that confuse me.

There's no doubt Kylee is lovin' to color. We did that for hours (it seems).

Ask Kaja to smile for the camera - and you get Cheeeeeeee sey!


We had ice cream and cookies before bath and bed!

It's so much fun to have the girls over. I can't wait for them to be 14 and 16, and see if they still want to sleep over and GM's and GP's.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


David and I are blessed to serve down in a BYU Stake. We love it. We serve with the best people ever. The Robbins, a new Bishop and one on my counselors in the Stake RS, had us over to their home for a FHE. They have the greatest backyard.

This is the Robbin's basketball court/dining area.

Here are the Vandemerwes (Brother Vandemewre is our Stake Clerk), the Walkers (Brother Walker is the Exec Secretary) and David.

Here you see the Robbins, (new Bishop Robbins, and Char who is one of my counselors, Char of course gets one of the best seats in the house.) and the Andersons (Brother Anderson is assistant Exec Secretary).

Here are the Ashes (Cathy is the Stake RS secretary and Bishop Ash) and the Hatches (Stake President Hatch and Cindy is the Stake RS 1st counselor).

Here's the set up. Isn't it a great place!!

The guys were in charge of cooking the steaks for themselves and their wives. David did a great job I might add.
We have a great Stake Family at the Y.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jeffs' 2008 Summer Olympic Games

I know we are all enjoying the 2008 Olympics. It makes us proud to be Americans and have the freedoms we enjoy and see us pull together as a nation.

Well, Tyler and Christine pulled together an Olympic Event for our FHE. We used our new WII stuff and had a blast!! Thanks to Tyler and Christine.

Andrea wasn't NOT going to play. As you can see she used every available benefit she could.

Here we are playing tennis. David and I took the gold on this event.

Here they are getting some "well needed" rest and enjoyed watching the rest of us excel!

Tyler and Christine took on GM and GP. GM and GP were such great sports to come and play. GM came up to me at the beginning and said she hadn't told GP we were going to play games because he wouldn't have come because he hates playing games. WELL I couldn't see his HATE of the games. He got into it with all his heart! (You need to notice Tyler already has won a gold medal!!!)

THE CHAMPS! We took 5 medals! David took darts and we took bowling and tennis!

Friday, August 15, 2008


You all know the our wonderful, generous GREAT Grandpa Jeffs took all his 'boys' (except 'way too young" Jax) to Alaska for a most memorable fishing trip. Well, at first I was kind of 'ticked' thinking "the guys get to do everything". Yeah I know very childish, but I'm honest. BUT, and this is a big BUT and I am confessing that I feel real bad about my first thoughts. After looking at their pictures and hearing their stories, I cried. YEP, what a terrific trip and opportunity these family guys had to be together and do something they enjoy so much . So here I have put on some pictures to show you just how great a grandpa we have, and what great guys we are related to.
This is the first group of our guys to hit the island of fishing. They were so pumped about riding on a float plane. This is something David has mentioned that he wished we had been able to do last year when we visited Alaska.

This is one of the homes they knew for a week. And isn't the scenery just beautiful

Here is a mad card game they enjoyed so many of the nights without their "wives" or other dear family they left behind.

Goofy guys. They wanted to do something to make the picture more interesting.

Now to the fishing! Here's Jared reelin' in the big one. Better than Strawberry, Jare???

Some meaningful conversation about the technigues and strategies of fishing!!!

WOW! Way to go Grandpa. You caught a great one.

Here are my boys bringing home the "bacon". These two (the fish) were eaten by a bald eagle.

What a great group! Is this the BEAR you wanted to see?

I have no bad feelings anymore. When I see my guys having a great time, a once in a lifetime experience together, I am grateful for the blessings we receive as a family.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The guys got to go play in Alaska so we girls went down to St. George and had our own fun.

Sweet lil' Jax; always smiling!

And Jayce was happy to play in the toy box

Kylee and Kaja pretty much liked to be together all the time. Here they are eating breakfast.

The always popular bath picture. (The kids will hate me some day for this)

Here the guresome twosome are coloring after swimming.

Jayce and a great big smile. Lunchtime was always a blast with the kids, oh I meant mess.

Baby Emily just layed around and cooed and was covered with love and kisses from the other kids.

Here's our group! Getting ready for bed.

Again Kylee and Kaja! This time eating their meal on the floor.

The big girls were so good to let the little girls do their hair. Kylee liked to accessorize Christine's hair with legos. Kylee said it was her crown, and that she was a Princess.

Nicole sat so still! The little girls had to have her hair parted down the middle so they each got a share.

We even got some swim time in.

Here's Kaja and Nicole stretching to start the day off right!

"Say good-bye girls!"
We had a great time. I love having my family around. I am blessed with the greatest and bestest daughters and sweetest daughter- in- laws and I can't forget my most fabulous grandkids. I love you all so much.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I am getting all sentimental! Today would be my dad's 81st birthday.

Happy Birthday Dad.

This is me with my dad a few years ago!

Leslie and Andrea and I were talking a couple of days ago about how they dress their kids, and how I dressed them (they didn't think I did too great a job) and how I dressed myself. So here I am with my brother's coonskin hat. I loved it! I wanted to be Davy Crockett.

Here in this picture - I really did dress myself. OH I am the one on your right. Starting from the left is my brother Geoff, then my beloved MOM, then my baby brother Brad and then the ever stylin' Denise. It didn't help that mom put my hair in pin curls and covered then with the bandana.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Best Friends in the World

Look at this cute cake! My friends who work with my up at BYU called and said they were a bit frantic about a fireside we have to prepare for and needed a 'lunch' meeting. Char and Cathy came to pick me up at noon. Char asked how to get back on the freeway and I directed her South and Cathy was telling her North! Hmmm. We went North. We went to pick up Cindy and they surprised me with this cute cake and a sweet card, and they took me to lunch at Pei Wei! It was so much fun and such a great get a way for me. Man! I tell you I have the best friends ever. Thanks girls.Tuesday was David and mine's 33rd wedding anniversary. He is might joy. I've been with him longer than I've been without him, and that's the way I like it. I love him to death.

Fun with the Grandkids

What a great couple of days with the girls coming over with the grandkids. There is always some fun to have when they are around. I love 'em.

We had to take a movie and popcorn break. It didn't last a long time, but the mom's and grandma needed it. It was so hot outside.

The kids are not afraid of the jeep anymore. They will drive it by themselves. Jaxon was afraid at all. All the girls have been afraid of it at some time or another.

The big girls were good at taking turns doing the driving. It's really quite a scare thinking they are going to be in real cars at some point in time.!!!!

Jayce wasn't quite sure!

Jayce did like to look on. It's too bad it only holds two kids, and an occasional hitch hiker as you saw.

This is how they ride three at a time, although the jeep doesn't like it! We were lucky that the machine would drive on the grass. We didn't have to get them in the road. It was a fun time.