Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our Graduate

Can I believe it? YES! Our 'baby' graduated from BYU on April 25th, 2009 in Mechanical Engineering. Whew! What a great achievement TYLER. We are so proud of him.

He conquered the BEAST.
It's hard to do alone, but Tyler was never alone. He had the support of his loving wife, Christine. We are happy she was there to see him through.

It was a beautiful day for pictures. We got up early to beat the rush of candidates who will wait in line for pictures by these signs.

Good Luck Tyler. We appreciate your dedication and hard work. Congratulations.
(Too bad your schooling isn't completely over. Tyler returns to BYU in the fall for Law School.)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This Crazy Weather

I just had to put in some pictures of this Crazy weather we have had over the last few weeks - days really. I meant to do it earlier this week, but my week's been Crazy tooooo.

Here is a snow storm we had on April 15th. 13 inched fell in Orem they say. It was so surprising to wake up to all the snow. It was so beautiful. David and I went out and took lots of pictures.

Look how thick. This is on a branch on our big tree in the back yard.

When the sun came out, the snow just twinkled.

This was before the sun came out. The snow was so wet and heavy.

My sweet little grand kids, Kaja and Kylee. They really wanted to go out and play, but neither one of them had the best of shoes on. Leslie took them to the store with her and they just HAD to walk in the snow.

OK so this was Sunday April 19th! The kids were over for Sunday dinner and we just had to go out and put up the slide and enjoy the sunny weather. We went from30' to 78' in 4 days! Oh, this is Emily walking around with Kaja's flip flops.

Here's Jayce at the bottom of the slide. She has the cutest giggle!

Jaxon needed help at first, but by the end of the fun he was doing it on his own!

Kaja broke the speed record. And she'd land with a jump and a thump.

Kylee kept going and going and going.

And these are my pretty flowers that made it through the winter storm.
There's nothing quite like Utah's changing weather. I hear we have snow in store for later today. I hope you find a happy, warm place.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Okay, Okay and Okay, I'm late - very late. I just get busy . . . . Anyway, here are our Easter pics. We had a great time coloring and searching for the eggs. I had to boil additional eggs. Everyone was just so creative and had to try everything there just weren't enough for Grandpa.

Isn't it all a colorful site. I had about 4 different boxes of dyes. We had quite a lot of color.
Ah, ha! Kaja was successful. If you notice in the background - 'everyone' got in on the fun.

You never know where that silly bunny is going to hide eggs.

It was just plain fun to get out in the yard!

Looks like the kiddies got tuckered out! Yeah right!

Now it's time to survey the 'loot'. What did we get???? Hmmmmm!

They want a little of everything.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our newest family member!!!

Here is our sweet baby Blake Larsen Hadlock. He arrived on April 14th, 2009 weighing in at 6 lbs. 15 oz and 18 inches long. He was born at 4:34 pm. We are so happy he is here. He and his mommy are doing very well.

Here he's not so happy. He was hungry, but grandma just wanted a picture so bad to send to all her friends. Isn't he just the cutest!!!!

A long time ago, my dad gave us this great big bunny for an Easter decoration. Kaja calls him "Easter". Very creative don't you think. Anyway the kids love him. Here Jax and Kaja are riding him. I can't believe he survived. But he stayed inflated.

Here is a crazy thing Jax has 'picked' up. For those of you who's stomach's get a bit quezzy (sp??) you may want to look away. Jaxon likes to take off his socks and pick his toes! Gross, Gross, Gross.

The kids like the salsa and chips. All, but Jaycelyn that is. But she doesn't stop trying. I don't know how many times she put it in her mouth and then spit it out.

Jaxon will take naps at grandma's. He can even sleep on the big bed, but you notice I surround him with pillows!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can you believe this snow. I posted these pictures yesterday and didn't get a chance to make my comments and now this morning as I look out the window and look back at these pictures - what a changing world we live in. I love it. I love the change and the variety we have in our weather. Come to think of it, I love that this is how my life is, changing and variety. It is all GOOD. We went to St. George for conference with some of the kids. To the right is Kevin on the slide. My kids still haven't grown up. They have to get in on the fun, can't miss a thing.

Next is David lounging while watvhing the kids play. It was 'nice' weather while we were there not quite what we wanted, but all in all better than in Utah county. We had a great time.

Tyler and Christine - I'll say it again, the kids can't miss a thing. They climbed and slid, and were a big help with the kids; helping them and teaching them new tricks!

Kylee loves the slides, both ways. Leslie was bound and determined to do the monkey bars. It wasn't as easy as the little kids there made it look.

It was nice when the wind didn't blow so when the sun came out we sat out on the porch. Christine, our Californian, just couldn't warm up.

Leslie had activities for her girls during conference. Jayce found her own; she loves to "DO" Leslie's hair!

We have a short walk to the pool. Here's Kylee on her bike and always wears her helmut.

Kevin got himself a guitar with birthday money and still to come Graduation money. He serenaded us a few times. He's loving it.

He carried his guitar and amp around with him to every room.

Here's Jayce and Kylee - oh and look there's Leslie inbetween them!

Oh Christine - just enjoying some time away from studies and the stress of finishing school.

Look at father and son. That does not look comfortable to me. I kept my eyes on them and they sat like this for a long time!

Tyler kept himself busy with legos! In fact the space ship he was building was envied by the little girls. Tyler had to put it up high when he wasn't around. The girls really wanted to play with it. When my kids were younger I would buy them car models to work on during conference time.

I forgot to put the picture in earlier of Jayce with her helmut on. She was going to ride a bike and then decided to push her sister instead.

Emily had a little incident with her sisters pouring water on her. She loves her Tigger robe.

When Leslie and I got to St. George on Thursday it was in the 70's so the pool here was great fun, but the weather cooled and the girls were pretty sad. The big pool didn't open until the next day when the weather as cool. We did make it over there but the water was very, very cool. Kylee got in, but only for a short time.
We had a great time and can't wait to get back there. Grandma and Grandpa are so generous with their place. Thanks.