Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From Easter to the 4th of July

What a great time we have together as a FAMILY.
(And my pictures are put in backwards.)

Here is the Jeffs' fireworks display. Everyone gets involved. Firebugs!!

Even the Big B(lake) got in on the fun. Although he got a Big B(urn) when he touched the wrong end! So very sad when the little ones get an owie.

Blake wanted to help Tyler!

Happy Jayce at the Parade, with a hot little face of Emily beside her.

More happy faces with Jax and Kaja.

The adults liked the parade from the shaded areas.

Those of us in the sun tried to find some respite from the heat. Tyler got Emily to cool down his armpits.

Ahhhh! My babies all decked out for the 4th!

These two are always posing.

Jaxon was having a good ol' time with gramps at the Stadium of Fire.

Kevin and Nicole were able to enjoy the evening free of baby Katelynn who got to stay with Aunt Leslie and Jayce and Emily. We missed you!!!!

Tyler and Christine are always posing!!!

Kylee with her daddy.

Ha, ha! We snagged a pic of Paul with those very flattering glasses!

Tyler planned a bar b q up the canyon and everyone came. Here's Andrea and Paul's kids waiting, not so patiently for the food. It's not fun to forget the main ingredient for a successful bar b q, the matches to start the bar b q! Thanks to the guys with the cigarette lighter.

We tailgated from David's truck.

Jared patiently fishing with the girls and their Barbie and Dora fishing poles.

Emily shares her punch by spoon with Jax and Kaja.

Here's sweet, patient little Katelynn waiting to be fed her yummy baby food!

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